Three Kinds of options for textile engineers in abroad - Textile Lab | Textile Learning Blog
Three Kinds of options for textile engineers in abroad :

Higher study in textile mainly for MSC, PHD. if you are already a faculty in any textile institution then easy to get scholarship, But you need to come back and join the places where you are now. For textile only Europe ( Germany, UK ) is best for study and you have many seniors there. This MSc and Phd will give you promotion in your university. You can contribute to the country. so prepare to be a super good student.

Higher study in other subject apart from Textile. The future is Data science, Environmental science, automation, Production engineering, material science etc etc. USA, CANADA, AUSTRAlIA is good option as you will find job there, No good job in BD with those subjects yet. Better communicate with the seniors who are there, i will post a status with their name. those degree will help you to get Permanent residency there. This is why i don't suggest in Europe, Language is an issue, as well jobs. If you can do MBA from any top business school your career is super set. GRE GMAT is the way to go. You need CGPA at least 3.3 above.  

Those who wants to have a career in abroad or want to migrate abroad anyway as you are fed up or got the same job in abroad. Better option USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, UK, Germany, i prefer english speaking country. You can go with a job, Sazid Rahman is an example in textile field, There are many seniors are working abroad ( China, Germany, Spain, Pakistan, UK, USA etc) in textile field. For that you must have good career here in BD with a big brand. Start preparing your linked profile nicely. Connection is the way to go.

 In any case you need a good command of english. all the above cases you need to start early, don't delay cause you need time to settle there. In abroad relevant degree is important for a good life, Don't even think about any other option than the above, you are far better here without the three. also remember you will loose your family, friends there. If you don't go abroad then at least go to IBA. It will change your life. If you have patience and nice plan you will end up thee for sure.

Written By Monowar Hossain Polash
Country Manager Asutex Spain

Three Kinds of options for textile engineers in abroad

Three Kinds of options for textile engineers in abroad :

Higher study in textile mainly for MSC, PHD. if you are already a faculty in any textile institution then easy to get scholarship, But you need to come back and join the places where you are now. For textile only Europe ( Germany, UK ) is best for study and you have many seniors there. This MSc and Phd will give you promotion in your university. You can contribute to the country. so prepare to be a super good student.

Higher study in other subject apart from Textile. The future is Data science, Environmental science, automation, Production engineering, material science etc etc. USA, CANADA, AUSTRAlIA is good option as you will find job there, No good job in BD with those subjects yet. Better communicate with the seniors who are there, i will post a status with their name. those degree will help you to get Permanent residency there. This is why i don't suggest in Europe, Language is an issue, as well jobs. If you can do MBA from any top business school your career is super set. GRE GMAT is the way to go. You need CGPA at least 3.3 above.  

Those who wants to have a career in abroad or want to migrate abroad anyway as you are fed up or got the same job in abroad. Better option USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, UK, Germany, i prefer english speaking country. You can go with a job, Sazid Rahman is an example in textile field, There are many seniors are working abroad ( China, Germany, Spain, Pakistan, UK, USA etc) in textile field. For that you must have good career here in BD with a big brand. Start preparing your linked profile nicely. Connection is the way to go.

 In any case you need a good command of english. all the above cases you need to start early, don't delay cause you need time to settle there. In abroad relevant degree is important for a good life, Don't even think about any other option than the above, you are far better here without the three. also remember you will loose your family, friends there. If you don't go abroad then at least go to IBA. It will change your life. If you have patience and nice plan you will end up thee for sure.

Written By Monowar Hossain Polash
Country Manager Asutex Spain

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