টেক্সটাইল গার্মেন্টস এর কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviations - Textile Lab | Textile Learning Blog
টেক্সটাইল/গার্মেন্টস এর কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviations

TCX= Textile cotton Extension

TPX= Textile Paper extension

QTX= Quick Textile extension

TC= Textile Cotton

TN= Textile Nylon

CVC= Chief value Cotton

PC= Polyester Cotton

S/J= Single Jersey

PO= Production Officer

PM= Production Manager

GM= General Manager

CEO= Chief Executive Officer

COO= Chief Operating Officer

ED= Executive Director

L/C= Letter Of Credit

A/C= Account

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL= Extra small, Small, Medium, large, Extra Large, Double Extra large

C= Coated (coated paper)

U= Uncoated (Un Coated paper)

GSM= Grams Per square metere

GPQ= Guideline for production and Quality control

RQS= Requirement of Quality system

PH= Potential of Hydrozen

MSDS= Material safety Data Sheet

ZDHC= zero Discharge and Hazardus Chemicals

TNA= Time and Action

SRM= Supplier Relation Management

MCQ=Multiple Choice Question

MRSL= Manufacturing Restricted Substance list

GSP= Generalized System of preference

টেক্সটাইল গার্মেন্টস এর কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviations

টেক্সটাইল/গার্মেন্টস এর কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Abbreviations

TCX= Textile cotton Extension

TPX= Textile Paper extension

QTX= Quick Textile extension

TC= Textile Cotton

TN= Textile Nylon

CVC= Chief value Cotton

PC= Polyester Cotton

S/J= Single Jersey

PO= Production Officer

PM= Production Manager

GM= General Manager

CEO= Chief Executive Officer

COO= Chief Operating Officer

ED= Executive Director

L/C= Letter Of Credit

A/C= Account

XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL= Extra small, Small, Medium, large, Extra Large, Double Extra large

C= Coated (coated paper)

U= Uncoated (Un Coated paper)

GSM= Grams Per square metere

GPQ= Guideline for production and Quality control

RQS= Requirement of Quality system

PH= Potential of Hydrozen

MSDS= Material safety Data Sheet

ZDHC= zero Discharge and Hazardus Chemicals

TNA= Time and Action

SRM= Supplier Relation Management

MCQ=Multiple Choice Question

MRSL= Manufacturing Restricted Substance list

GSP= Generalized System of preference

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