Textile Raw Materials উপর ১৭৭ টা রেফারেন্স প্রশ্ন - Textile Lab | Textile Learning Blog
টেক্সটাইল এর সব বিষয় এর উপর এমদাদ সরকার স্যার এর দেয়া কিছু প্রশ্ন  যেগুলি সমাধান করলে ভাইবা প্রুস্তুতি নেয়া হয়ে যাবে। দেখ কোনোটা পড়ার বাদ আসে কিনা বাদ থাকলে দ্রুত সমাধান করে নাও

প্রশ্ন গুলি দিয়ে দেয়া হল :


1. What are monomers and polymers?

2. What is monomer residue?

3. What is repeat unit of a polymer chain?

4. What is the difference between homopolymer and co polymer?

5. What is branched polymer?

6. What is dendrimer?

7. What is the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer?

8. What are blocked polymers?

9. What are graft polymers?

10. Difference between isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic polymers?

11. What is combed polymer?

12. What are star polymers?

13. What is polymerization and how it can be classified?

14. What is chain polymerization?

15. What are the steps of polymerization?

16. What is free radical polymerization?

17. What is the mechanism of free radical polymerization?

18. Differentiate between anionic and cationic polymerization

19. What are free radicals? How it can be produced?

20. What is chain transfer reaction?

21. What is CTA?

22. What is copolymer?

23. What is living polymer?

24. What is step or condensation polymerization?

25. What is self-condensation?

26. What is AA-BB type polymerization?

27. What are the conditions of step polymerization?

28. What are the methods or techniques of polymerization?

29. What is gas phase polymerization?

30. What is liquid phase polymerization?

31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of solution polymerization?

32. What are the advantages of bulk polymerization?

33. What are the ingredients used in an emulsion polymerization/

34. What is interfacial poly condensation?

35. What is the basic principle of interfacial poly condensation?

36. What do you mean by monodisperse and poly disperse system?

37. What is index of polydispersity?

38. What is end group analysis?

39. Why is osmometry?

40. What is Z average molecular weight of polymer?

41. What is molecular weight distribution curve?

42. What are the methods used to calculate Mn and Mw?

43. What do you mean by crystallinity and amorphousness in a polymer?

44. What is Tg and Tm?

45. What are the relations between Tg and Tm?

46. What is Tf?

47. What is Tg of rubber, nylon and polyester?

48. What is crystallinity of polymer?

49. What is amorphousness of polymer?

50. What is index of crystallinity?

51. What are the factors affects crystallinity in a polymer?

52. What are the inter-molecular forces in a polymer?

53. What is
a.H-bonding b. salt linkage c. ionic bond d. Van deer wale forces e. hydrophobic interaction f. NMR g. SEM h. AFM i. Polymer degradation

54. How is polymer characterized?

55. What are the types of polymer degradation?

56. What is
a. Chain end degradation
b.  Random degradation
c. Thermal degradation
d.  Mechanical degradation
e. Oxidative degradation
f.   Hydrolytic degradation

57. What are anti oxidants?

58. What are the factors required for a polymer to form a fiber?


1. What is fiber?

2. What is filament?

3. What is textile fiber?

4. Classify the textile fiber in broad sense

5. Give some examples of seed fiber, leaf fiber, regenerated fiber and synthetic fiber

6. Mention some important/ major cotton cultivated countries

7. What is upland and American pima cotton?

8. Classify the cotton fiber on the basis of staple length

9. Mention the range of length, diameter and spinning limit of cotton fiber

10. What are the main elements of cotton fiber?

11. What types of impurities of are found in raw cotton?

12. Mention some grading systems of raw cotton fiber

13. What are cotton linters and uses of linters?

14. Mention the average strength and MR% of cotton fiber

15. What is the effect of acids and alkali on cotton fiber?

16. What is ginning and it’s type?

17. What do you know about Bangladeshi cotton?

18. What types of faults are found in raw cotton?

19. Mention the average length of jute fiber

20. Mention the main elements and their amount jute fiber

21. Mention the average strength and MR% of jute fiber

22. What is the effect of acids and alkali on jute fiber?

23. What types of defects are found in jute fiber?

24. What are the uses of jute fiber?

25. What is retting?

26. What types of reagents are used for chemical retting?

27. What are the main elements of flax fiber?

28. Mention the strength and MR% of flax fiber

29. What are the effects of acids and alkali on flax fiber?

30. What types of dyes are used for cotton, jute and flax fiber?

31. What is the end use of flax fiber?

32. What are the uses of Ramie, Hemp, kemi and sisal?

33. Mention the average strength of wool fiber

34. What are the main elements of wool fiber?

35. Mention the major wool producing countries

36. What are the effects of acids and alkali on wool fiber?

37. What types of dyes are used for wool dyeing?

38. What is the end use of wool fiber?

39. Mention the natural filament

40. Mention the major silk producing country

41. How can you express the fineness of silk filament?

42. Mention the average length and strength of silk filament

43. What is the effect of acids and alkali on silk?

44. What is the end use of silk?

45. What types of dyes are used for silk dyeing?


1. What are chemical fibers?

2. How chemical fibers are classified?

3. What are natural polymers based chemical fibers?

4. What are the spinning methods of chemical fibers?

5. What is dry spinning?

6. What is Melt spinning?

7. What is Wet spinning?

8. What are the solvents generally used in dry spinning?

9. What are the coagulants used in wet spinning?

10. What is spinneret? Why it is used?

11. What is plastisizer and why it is used in spinning chemical fibers?

12. What is spin finishes?

13. What are the functions of spin finishes in production chemical fibers?

14. What is drawing and stretching of chemical fibers?

15. What is the difference between cold draw and hot draw?

16. What is texturing?

17. What are the objectives of texturing?

18. What is false twist method for texturing?

19. What are the available methods for texturing?

20. What is regenerated fiber?

21. Classify different viscose fibers

22. Mention chemistry involved in production of viscose rayon?

23. What raw materials are available for viscose rayon production?

24. What is pulp and how it is prepared?

25. What type of spinning is suitable for viscose rayon?

26. What ingredients are used in spinning bath of viscose rayon production?

27. What is polynosic?

28. What is HWM viscose rayon?

29. What are the tests for ripening viscose? How it can be classified?

30. How are the physical properties of viscose rayon?

31. How are the chemical properties of viscose rayon?

32. How is viscose rayon affected by water, sunlight?

33. What are the uses of viscose rayon?

34. What is the polyester fiber according to FTC?

35. Difference between Dacron and Terylene?

36. What is Tory?

37. What are the methods available for spinning polyester fibers?

38. What is Kodel 200?

39. How are the physical and chemical properties of polyester?

40. How is polyester affected by temperature and sunlight?

41. What are the uses of polyester?

42. What are polyamide fibers?

43. How is polyamide fiber classified?

44. What is Nylon 6,6 and Nylon 6?

45. What are aramids fibers?

46. How are the physical and chemical properties of nylon fibers?

47. How do heat and organic solvent affect nylon fibre?

48. What are the applications of polyamide fibers?

49. What is acrylic and mod-acrylic fiber?

50. What is suitable spinning method for acrylic fiber and why?

51. How are the physical and chemical properties of acrylic fiber?

52. How is acrylic fiber affected by temperature?

53. What are the uses of acrylic fibers?

54. What is acetate and acetate fiber?

55. Difference between acetate and di-acetate fiber

56. Mention chemistry involved in production of acetate and diacetate fibers

57. How are the physical and chemical properties of acetate and diacetate fibers?

58. How is acetate fiber affected by moisture?

59. What are the uses of diacetate fibers?

60. What is polyurethane fiber?

61. What are the methods for spinning polyurethane fiber?

62. How are the physical and chemical properties of polyurethane fiber?

63. How do organic solvent and heat affect polyurethane fiber?

64. What are the uses of polyurethane fiber?

65. What is glass fiber?

66. What is E glass and C glass?

67. What are the ingredients used in preparation E glass?

68. What are the spinning methods of glass fiber?

69. What are the uses of glass fiber?

70. What is bi-component fiber?

71. How is bi-component prepared?

72. What are the objectives of preparation bi-component fiber?

73. What are the uses of bi-component fiber?

74. What are PVC, Vinyon, Dynel, PVA & Carbon fiber?

এমদাদ সরকার স্যার
ফেব্রিক ডিপার্টমেন্ট

Textile Raw Materials উপর ১৭৭ টা রেফারেন্স প্রশ্ন

টেক্সটাইল এর সব বিষয় এর উপর এমদাদ সরকার স্যার এর দেয়া কিছু প্রশ্ন  যেগুলি সমাধান করলে ভাইবা প্রুস্তুতি নেয়া হয়ে যাবে। দেখ কোনোটা পড়ার বাদ আসে কিনা বাদ থাকলে দ্রুত সমাধান করে নাও

প্রশ্ন গুলি দিয়ে দেয়া হল :


1. What are monomers and polymers?

2. What is monomer residue?

3. What is repeat unit of a polymer chain?

4. What is the difference between homopolymer and co polymer?

5. What is branched polymer?

6. What is dendrimer?

7. What is the difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymer?

8. What are blocked polymers?

9. What are graft polymers?

10. Difference between isotactic, syndiotactic and atactic polymers?

11. What is combed polymer?

12. What are star polymers?

13. What is polymerization and how it can be classified?

14. What is chain polymerization?

15. What are the steps of polymerization?

16. What is free radical polymerization?

17. What is the mechanism of free radical polymerization?

18. Differentiate between anionic and cationic polymerization

19. What are free radicals? How it can be produced?

20. What is chain transfer reaction?

21. What is CTA?

22. What is copolymer?

23. What is living polymer?

24. What is step or condensation polymerization?

25. What is self-condensation?

26. What is AA-BB type polymerization?

27. What are the conditions of step polymerization?

28. What are the methods or techniques of polymerization?

29. What is gas phase polymerization?

30. What is liquid phase polymerization?

31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of solution polymerization?

32. What are the advantages of bulk polymerization?

33. What are the ingredients used in an emulsion polymerization/

34. What is interfacial poly condensation?

35. What is the basic principle of interfacial poly condensation?

36. What do you mean by monodisperse and poly disperse system?

37. What is index of polydispersity?

38. What is end group analysis?

39. Why is osmometry?

40. What is Z average molecular weight of polymer?

41. What is molecular weight distribution curve?

42. What are the methods used to calculate Mn and Mw?

43. What do you mean by crystallinity and amorphousness in a polymer?

44. What is Tg and Tm?

45. What are the relations between Tg and Tm?

46. What is Tf?

47. What is Tg of rubber, nylon and polyester?

48. What is crystallinity of polymer?

49. What is amorphousness of polymer?

50. What is index of crystallinity?

51. What are the factors affects crystallinity in a polymer?

52. What are the inter-molecular forces in a polymer?

53. What is
a.H-bonding b. salt linkage c. ionic bond d. Van deer wale forces e. hydrophobic interaction f. NMR g. SEM h. AFM i. Polymer degradation

54. How is polymer characterized?

55. What are the types of polymer degradation?

56. What is
a. Chain end degradation
b.  Random degradation
c. Thermal degradation
d.  Mechanical degradation
e. Oxidative degradation
f.   Hydrolytic degradation

57. What are anti oxidants?

58. What are the factors required for a polymer to form a fiber?


1. What is fiber?

2. What is filament?

3. What is textile fiber?

4. Classify the textile fiber in broad sense

5. Give some examples of seed fiber, leaf fiber, regenerated fiber and synthetic fiber

6. Mention some important/ major cotton cultivated countries

7. What is upland and American pima cotton?

8. Classify the cotton fiber on the basis of staple length

9. Mention the range of length, diameter and spinning limit of cotton fiber

10. What are the main elements of cotton fiber?

11. What types of impurities of are found in raw cotton?

12. Mention some grading systems of raw cotton fiber

13. What are cotton linters and uses of linters?

14. Mention the average strength and MR% of cotton fiber

15. What is the effect of acids and alkali on cotton fiber?

16. What is ginning and it’s type?

17. What do you know about Bangladeshi cotton?

18. What types of faults are found in raw cotton?

19. Mention the average length of jute fiber

20. Mention the main elements and their amount jute fiber

21. Mention the average strength and MR% of jute fiber

22. What is the effect of acids and alkali on jute fiber?

23. What types of defects are found in jute fiber?

24. What are the uses of jute fiber?

25. What is retting?

26. What types of reagents are used for chemical retting?

27. What are the main elements of flax fiber?

28. Mention the strength and MR% of flax fiber

29. What are the effects of acids and alkali on flax fiber?

30. What types of dyes are used for cotton, jute and flax fiber?

31. What is the end use of flax fiber?

32. What are the uses of Ramie, Hemp, kemi and sisal?

33. Mention the average strength of wool fiber

34. What are the main elements of wool fiber?

35. Mention the major wool producing countries

36. What are the effects of acids and alkali on wool fiber?

37. What types of dyes are used for wool dyeing?

38. What is the end use of wool fiber?

39. Mention the natural filament

40. Mention the major silk producing country

41. How can you express the fineness of silk filament?

42. Mention the average length and strength of silk filament

43. What is the effect of acids and alkali on silk?

44. What is the end use of silk?

45. What types of dyes are used for silk dyeing?


1. What are chemical fibers?

2. How chemical fibers are classified?

3. What are natural polymers based chemical fibers?

4. What are the spinning methods of chemical fibers?

5. What is dry spinning?

6. What is Melt spinning?

7. What is Wet spinning?

8. What are the solvents generally used in dry spinning?

9. What are the coagulants used in wet spinning?

10. What is spinneret? Why it is used?

11. What is plastisizer and why it is used in spinning chemical fibers?

12. What is spin finishes?

13. What are the functions of spin finishes in production chemical fibers?

14. What is drawing and stretching of chemical fibers?

15. What is the difference between cold draw and hot draw?

16. What is texturing?

17. What are the objectives of texturing?

18. What is false twist method for texturing?

19. What are the available methods for texturing?

20. What is regenerated fiber?

21. Classify different viscose fibers

22. Mention chemistry involved in production of viscose rayon?

23. What raw materials are available for viscose rayon production?

24. What is pulp and how it is prepared?

25. What type of spinning is suitable for viscose rayon?

26. What ingredients are used in spinning bath of viscose rayon production?

27. What is polynosic?

28. What is HWM viscose rayon?

29. What are the tests for ripening viscose? How it can be classified?

30. How are the physical properties of viscose rayon?

31. How are the chemical properties of viscose rayon?

32. How is viscose rayon affected by water, sunlight?

33. What are the uses of viscose rayon?

34. What is the polyester fiber according to FTC?

35. Difference between Dacron and Terylene?

36. What is Tory?

37. What are the methods available for spinning polyester fibers?

38. What is Kodel 200?

39. How are the physical and chemical properties of polyester?

40. How is polyester affected by temperature and sunlight?

41. What are the uses of polyester?

42. What are polyamide fibers?

43. How is polyamide fiber classified?

44. What is Nylon 6,6 and Nylon 6?

45. What are aramids fibers?

46. How are the physical and chemical properties of nylon fibers?

47. How do heat and organic solvent affect nylon fibre?

48. What are the applications of polyamide fibers?

49. What is acrylic and mod-acrylic fiber?

50. What is suitable spinning method for acrylic fiber and why?

51. How are the physical and chemical properties of acrylic fiber?

52. How is acrylic fiber affected by temperature?

53. What are the uses of acrylic fibers?

54. What is acetate and acetate fiber?

55. Difference between acetate and di-acetate fiber

56. Mention chemistry involved in production of acetate and diacetate fibers

57. How are the physical and chemical properties of acetate and diacetate fibers?

58. How is acetate fiber affected by moisture?

59. What are the uses of diacetate fibers?

60. What is polyurethane fiber?

61. What are the methods for spinning polyurethane fiber?

62. How are the physical and chemical properties of polyurethane fiber?

63. How do organic solvent and heat affect polyurethane fiber?

64. What are the uses of polyurethane fiber?

65. What is glass fiber?

66. What is E glass and C glass?

67. What are the ingredients used in preparation E glass?

68. What are the spinning methods of glass fiber?

69. What are the uses of glass fiber?

70. What is bi-component fiber?

71. How is bi-component prepared?

72. What are the objectives of preparation bi-component fiber?

73. What are the uses of bi-component fiber?

74. What are PVC, Vinyon, Dynel, PVA & Carbon fiber?

এমদাদ সরকার স্যার
ফেব্রিক ডিপার্টমেন্ট

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